22 Nov 2013


Pop Art began in the 1950s, but became very popular in the 1960s. It started in the United Kingdom, but became a true art movement in New York City with artists like this. Pop Art uses images and icons that are popular in the modern world. This includes famous celebrities like and rock stars, commercial items like and soft drinks, comic books, and any other items that are popular in the commercial world. There are a number of ways that artists use these items to create art such as repeating the item over and over again, changing the colour or texture of the item, and putting different items together to make a picture.

We will do two activities:

 First of all, research about the artists and fill in the gaps in this page. If you want to see the solutions you can do it here.

Secondly,go to Modern Tate Art museum page and create your own pop-hat, following the instructions you can find there.

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