10 Nov 2013


Listen to this song as much times as you need and when you think you are ready, we are going to sing and record it all together in class. Finally we will post this video in the blog.

 If you need the lyrics of the song to learn it properly,clik here.


  1. Hello Nerea.
    I love this resource, I did not know until Cristina Castillo explained in class. I find it interesting to record with the children in the classroom and if there is a class blog, parents can see it
    Certainly, a very attractive design blog for children.
    Kind regards.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Arancha,

      Thank you very much for your help! I did it very fast and I didn´t check it.

      Best regards

  3. Hello Nerea!
    You have done a good job with your Blog, congratulations! I like all activities, specially this one that fascinate me. Are the illustrations made them for yourself? They are amazing and a very beautiful present or activity to make in Christmas days... Other think that I like is the back image because it remains me my school days with my new pencil colours and pencil case! It is so appropriate for children!
    Other think that I like is that you have introduced lots of ICT tools that they increase the motivation of our students and all their different multiple intelligences, as Howard Gardner said.
    Good job Nerea, be sure that I will use it in the future!

  4. Hi Nerea,

    I really like the song ·Five little ducks" I found that activity very useful and I am sure the kids will love it. The word search you propose is also a good activity to learn new vocabulary while they play.
    In general, I think your activities in the blog are useful for Primary students. I also found usefull that you tag your activities with the level. I find it very useful to know what level is each activity for.

    José I. Vicente

  5. Hi Nerea!
    I've always thought that the songs are good resources for learning English because children remember songs and therefore the words. Also, I thought it was great to sing on your own.
    The only thing I couldn`t do is read the lyrics at the same time the song. Perhaps you would have to put the link in another window.
    Anyway I liked it.
    Best regards
